Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My top Favorite Brushes & Sigma Makeup Brush Giveaway!

My top 5 favorite cosmetic brushes & Giveaway!
I'm sure most of you following me on this blog know that I have a youtube channel. If you are not subscribed to me by now...what are you waiting for girl friend??!! lol. I am hosting yet another giveaway.
Giveaways are my favorite kinds of videos because its a chance to give back to my viewers. Now money doesn't grow on any of the trees we have at my house, so its nice to have help from the companies...especially ones like SIGMA.

Watch this video I posted a couple of days ago to get in on the chance to win some brushes!
All you have to do to win is:
Leave a comment
Follow me on twitter to find out if you were randomly selected as a winner :)

Now to the point of this post:
My top brushes. The ones that I use every single day, on and off camera. I honestly like my sigma makeup brushes and was bummed they changed their numbering system. I like that I was able to follow some of my favorite gurus who had the big bucks using nothing but MAC COSMETICS brush. The thing I wasn't surprised about was the quality, still as good as before.

Stating the obvious, here are 3 eyeshadow brushes and 2 face brushes.
The one brush that I can not live without would have to be the Tapered Highlighter-F35.
That brush contours my face like no other. If there was one brush out of all of them that is a must have it would be that one. If you don't do a lot of contouring I would go with the Duo Fiber brush. Its perfect for wet or dry foundation and the bristles are ultra soft and perfect for those with sensitive skin *raising hand*

So anyhow I wanted to keep this post short and sweet and just wanted everyone to have a fair shot at winning. I hope to have a lot more giveaways and contest in the very near future!
Good luck to all that enter. :)
*Latina Kisses*


  1. Love the new Layout!! I've been meaning to find one that better suites me and think I found one! YAY!

    Thanks for doing this giveaway and all others. I know that all your subscribers appreciate it. I can't wait to be able to do some myself!


  2. The brushes from Sigma is amazing, love their products. :)

    This is such a fun giveaway, :)

  3. hey sonia I don't know if you read my comment in your youtube video but I feel sad that I'm never going to win cause I don't have a phone there for can not follow you on twitter. maybe do something different maybe love your videos anyways

  4. Super cute brushes. :) I havent tried the sigma brushes yet. Hope i win to try it out! <3

  5. I've never tried Sigma, but I've heard wonderful things. I'm sure these brushes are amazing.

    Your giveaways are always so great!

  6. would love to win ur wonderful give away :) keep up greatt work

  7. Hey Sonia
    I just saw your video tutorial for the the look off of the most recent playboy cover.
    In the video you said you were looking for inspiration for tutorials.
    Right now on my blog I am having a challenge for all of my subscribers. I am daring them to recreate a look from the Derek Lam fashion show.
    Im sure you are super busy, but if you get a chance please check it out. Maybe it will be inspiration for your next tutorial.
    Here is the link for that post


  8. Love your blog & your Youtube Channel!! I learned soo much about makeup with just looking at your videos! I would love to win the Sigma brushes!! I have never tried it, but i see in your videos how your make up always looks great! So i would love to try this brushes for myself! Love it! Hoping i win!! :)

  9. love sigma! :)

    youtube username: kiimmmxxo

  10. Hope i win these!

    YT : SadiaChowdhury
    Twitter: Ms_Flames

  11. I've been wanting to try sigma brushes for the longest time! I really need to just order some. They look so nice and professional.

  12. I have yet to test these Sigma brushes! ^-^

  13. Hi, Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi" and checking to see if there is a winner for the five Sigma brushes yet??
