Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The weekend - All over So Cal

Busy Bee - A long, fun weekend
After I dropped off Jude Isaac with his Daddy for the weekend, I drove to the beach. My boyfriend, Ryan, and I drove to his family's beach house for the night in Ocean Side. It was so beautiful! I was terrified by the waves because I felt like we were sleeping on the water lol. If you have been following me for a while you know that I am scared of the water, 2012 and all that.
The next morning we randomly decided to go to Santa Monica. We went shopping, dinner, then to a club that we love for some dancing! It was really nice to get away for the night and just spend some fun quality time with someone I care about :)
I don't know why I was drinking Pinot Grigio at the club like I was Mariah Carey or something haha. If they don't have Moscato, then I guess I will settle for a glass of Pinot.
The next morning, I feel like Imma have too many "mornings" in this post...we drove back to the OC for breakfast, a movie, and more shopping! I was soooo tired, but the weekend was not over! It was only Saturday!!
Next Stop: Palm Springs
This weekend we were celebrating Carly's 26th birthday! I love this girl so much so I knew even if I was driving from China I was not going to miss this night for the world! Why am I yelling??
Best part of being a girl, with your girls, is getting ready to go out. There are many wardrobe changes, sharing clothing / makeup / shoes....and a bunch of girl talk in the air. We always say "I wish we filmed that last conversation" haha.
(Birthday Girl aka MsCarlyCalifornia aka Carly, B, and Meee)
My details:
Black tank by FOREVER21
Tribal Mini Skirt by Fashion Gal
Black Leather Wedges by ALDO

I have nothing but smiles after this post.
It was a busy weekend and it was spent out and about, this is something everyone needs once in a while. Ive been really stressed out and over whelmed with tons of things in my personal life and I was happy to forget about them for a few days.

Do you feel like that sometimes? What do you do, big or small, to "get away"?
Once more, Happy Birthday Carly! I love you girl!
*Latina Kisses*


  1. beautiful, we miss u!
    saludos desde México :)

  2. Love your post looks like you had a great weekend!! I def need one of those weekends a.s.a.p I have been at home for like 708908 days doing school online and working from home. What I do sometimes to get away from stress is go for a massage or take a trip to the beach and relax and best of all shop with my girlys or alone!

  3. Sometimes just telling my husband to play with the baby in another room so I can have a peaceful shower is a big deal for me.

  4. Pinot Grigio, like Ramona from The Real Housewives of NY. lol

  5. I was gonna say that first, and to the turtle time dance but I didnt think anyone would get it. You got me! haha

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You know how to get out of the city and give Jude a great experince take him camping I just went this past week to Sequoia and I thought I was going to hate it. I was there for 3 days and I thought it wasent enough time to see everything next time we are planning to stay at least a whole week. Jude will love it. Deer will come to our camp site and my son will chase them up the hill I love it I'm planning to take my son every year its a great family experince and when your there you forget everything and there's many things to do which is great since you like to lots of things with lil Jude. Take care : )

  8. I love moscato. haha.
    I miss going out w/my gurls!
    You look pretty as always.

  9. luv that u enjoy your life. you are gorgeous! keep it up :)

  10. Oceanside is 15 min from my moms house
    :) love o'side

    Sandra :)
