Friday, May 18, 2012

Latina Blogger Meet Up at Beso Hollywood

Last night my twin, yes I said twin, sister Christina and I went to a Latina Blogger Meet up that was organized thru Facebook. I was excited to show Chris what these events were all about. This one was really intimate so it was nice to really network and share stories with other bloggers. 
I took a break from YouTube for a week or so because I need to shake the negativity off from the last video. I could never fully quit because this is truly something that I enjoy doing. I believe being a blogger/vlogger is now a lifestyle. I can't go many places without a camera in hand to document my experience. 

I am not perfect and being in this industry there are so many different pressures and expectations that viewers/readers have for us and they are not shy to voice. I have rolls, and stretch marks, still learning to dress myself, and am still growing as a mother and just as a woman period. Negative and ignorant comments are to be expected when you put yourself out there publicly. I have learned to fake the thickness of my skin cause at the end of the day I do have feelings and sometimes I do get hurt. But with that it does push me to better myself and in the end I win.

To all the haters - eat my caca lol. 
 Omg the food was ridiculous. I was full in the first hour that I was there. These are just some of the goodness I took down town. 
 Oooooo don't even get me on all the drinks they were serving, these shots were so yummy with a little raspberry surprise. I was too busy blabbing that I didn't take as many photos as I wanted.
 Quick thank you to Monique of CurvesandChaos for inviting me and stay close for a post informing you of the latina bloggers that I met :)

Please check out and subscribe to my sisters channel here

& like always *Latina Kisses*


  1. awww Sonia i have to say at the moment i am completely OBSESSED with you & your videos! i have been missing them :( but i understand what your going through & you need to keep your head up & not let those haters get to you, cuz truly thats what they want! Keep your head up you sexxy mama, your gorgeous & your body is beautiful girl i dont see no rolls lol!!! Muahh XOXO

    Oh & i would appreciate if all you lovely girlies out there can check out my blog i just started it. Thankss loves!

  2. You're beautiful! I've seen you at a beauty event and girl your all kinds of hottness!! People are ALWAYS going to say something. Find it in yourself to ignore them and keep doing your videos!! Xo! -Claw

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I don't know which video your talking about, but omg whatever...Your effin' gorgeous, you look a Kardashian to me, super sweet, adore you. I just recently started to watch you YT videos, & your just freaking' adorable.

    PS: Love your Speedy, want your Speedy!

    1. Like a kardashian? Really? Sonia is far more beautiful!

  5. Girl, you are sooooooo beautiful... You are my favorite youtubern Guru and Fashion/ Lifestyle Blogger...

    P.S.: to all the fucking jealous haters, eat also the caca of her Fans.... Lol

    I Love you sonia

  6. Girl u are gourgeous!!! n u rOck! Let hater hate they jus make us stronger... And like my grandma says; No somos moneditas de Oro para caerles bien a todos. Haha ;) Well girl keep on doing what u do best.

    Peace <3

  7. You Look amazing, haters take enough time from their lives to watch your videos and comment....

    You rock!


  8. You and your sister are gorgeous girls ...I miss your videos the hell with what people have too say those r people that have issues pay no attention hope too see you soon in more videos :) and u know we love u and your twin is standing right next too you for support !!!<3 Esmeralda

  9. Sonia people who post hateful comments are just jealous of you. You have an amazing body. True that we sometimes don't get the perfect outfit but no one does, not even famous people. Ignore those haters oviously if they are watching your videos they are your fans :) you are so awesome inside and out; great sense of humor and personality!

  10. Hey Sonia,

    I've been following you (that sounds creepy but you know what I mean lol) for years. I think from just about when you started YT. I believe if I'm not mistaking you were away from family n friends because you were with your bf (current father of your son) n he was in the reserves? You were and still are to this day so relatable and a joy to watch. You have not changed one bit. You put everything out there on the table and stay true to yourself. Its so amazing to see how far you've come and how much you have grown into a beautiful young woman. I still remember your earlier videos when you would be sitting on the floor showing us your makeup skills n your phone would ring n you would still be doing your tutorial n talking on the phone (haha) n even then you would get criticized...haters are gonna hate. I probably watched every single one of your videos and have learned sooooo much from you. I never really comment because I just thought you get so many comments you would never respond or get the chance to see it. Well anyway my whole point to this long comment is you're amazing and strong and independent and beautiful that it would be a shame if you let haters get to you. They are like cucarachas, lol they never go away but they will always be there to try to break you. I'm sure most of them would never put themselves out there because all they can do is hide behind a computer and criticize everyone else. What they all forget is that you're doing this for us and giving us a little insight into your daily life n giving us beauty tips. Not because you have to but because you want to and you enjoy it. They take all the fun out of making videos and put nasty rude comments that are unnecessary. Keep doing you hunnie! That's all you can do and just remember you have your LOYAL fans behind you and you are helping girls around the WORLD! So don't let nasty people bring you down because they are no one to judge n their opinion don't matter anyway. I hope you get this, Ive never ever commented on a blog. Don't even know if I'm doing this right! Ahhhh oh well lol! LOVE YOU SONIA <3 Christina<3

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself! We love you Sonia.

  11. I think you are gorgeous and you are the first girl I loved to watch on youtube! You will always be my favorite!! Let those haters hate, but your amazing!

  12. Girl don't let stupid people that are nothing but just haters that u have what they want ignorant people Like that their opinions don't mather think of off all ure other subscriber and viewers that love u and forget all the other BS girlfriend lol stay strong love you're videos

  13. Awe don't let negative people get you down. It's so awesome that you are a positive influence and can help others to feel good about themselves. You are truly special and absolutely beautiful enjoy doing what you love and don't let anyone take that away from you.

  14. I recently just barely started wstching you maybe 4 or 5 videos back! Ever since your first video I right away subscribed! Your such a beautiful & funny girl! I kniw it must be hard looking at all those rude comments.. But see it as a good way if they are hating a talking then you must be doing something good! I hope you do more videos I wanna see more of you! & I want to thank you! You have brought me back to life seriously! Im currently going thru a weight loss.. Starting weight 262 already lost a lil more over 20lb I have been feeling so bad & insecure about myself & watching your videos makes me feel good! Even my husband says I been looking good I get up & get ready & do my makeup & get all cute lol just because of your videos!! :) so dont let all these haters put you down because there are alot of good fans here who really want to see more of you! :) love you Sonia!!

  15. I'm really sorry to hear that the negativity got you down. For some reason YouTube has a funny way of showing people's ugly sides! You don't see that type of hatred on FB, Twitter, etc as much, but YouTube can be downright brutal. Everyone here already summed up what I was going to say, which is that you have a HUGE support system online (and offline I'm sure) and you're helping a lot of young ladies feel positive about themselves (with our without makeup). You've shared very intimate aspects of your life with the world over the past few years and that is admirable. Keep shining! Candace -

  16. Hi,
    Sonia! Good to see new updates on your blog. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your youtube videos and your personality! Eversince I seen your fourth of July makeup tutorial I have been hooked!!! I know you have been upset with ppl, but you have to undetstand that u shouldn't really care what people think of you because they don't know you! Second, you are to Blessed to be stressed girlfriend!!!! As a mom myself I find you very down to earth and your beauty shines. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let the devil steal your joy ever Again!!

  17. All of the food I need in my tummy! LOL :) luv ya!!

  18. I can´t believe that someone would say anything negative about you, they are obviously morons. You are beautiful inside and out, don´t let anyone tell you differently! xoxo

  19. People are so hateful. You are gorgeous!!! Seriously when I have a child I hope I still have a banging bod. Like yours... Seriously! Most if not all of those negative comments came from ugly, hateful, jealous people. Keep ur head up!!

  20. Sonia you are such an amazing person please don't listen to any negativity that's really haters, ignorants who are really not looking at themselves first and who wished had your beauty and great personality. Just take the good things from ppl who really love your job like muah lol so just brush off the negativity and keep on moving and being the great person you are :) xoxo

  21. good on you! ignore the haters, you're a yummy mummy!

  22. Cute!!!

  23. gorgeous!!!!there is no other word!!!

  24. Let your haters be your motivaters. You are beautiful and blessed and people are just jealous of your growing success. Keep doing what you are doing. You are my inspiration. I love all your videos and blogs. Estas hermosa. God bless.

  25. Hold your head up high and ignore the bitchy comments Sonia. They are jealous of you. People that make nasty comments about others are only insecure with themselves. Confidence is the key. Know that you are beautiful and stop worrying about what others think, otherwise they win.
    Keep up the awesome blog and videos. You are amazing!

  26. Hi Sonia, Sometimes people say mean things about others because it makes them feel better about themselves. Don't take to heart what they say. You have way more people who say good things about you than bad. You have so much going for you-looks, personality, a happy life, doing what you like and your son. Just keep smiling and being you.

  27. Hi, Sonia! You were the first beauty guru that I watched on YouTube and I've been hooked ever since! I love how down to Earth you are and I think you are a great role model and a great mommy--from what I can see, LOL. Please know that you have way more people rooting for you and supporting what you do, than people trying to bring you down (behind fake names and computer screens.) "Hater's gonna hate!" :) -Jelissa♥

  28. i usually don't comment, but i came to say that i'm sorry about the negativity. i love your videos, and have actually tried a few of your eyeshadow looks. overlooking hate is hard, especially during times when it seems like it's everywhere you turn, but please try your best to let the love of your viewers outweigh the negativity of a few internet cowards.

  29. Babe! I'm African American and alot of my friends are Latina/Latino, I love your site. Be encouraged, if you didn't have haters that means that you weren't making fashion trends and bends. They bend their necks to watch your videos. Take Care, Smooches

  30. I have a feeling my comment is going to get deleted but I'll take a shot anyway. I know you're trying to deal with a lot of dumb people on YT that say really... well stupid things and that gets you down, but I hope you aren't addressing the people that actually love you and your videos but had a problem with that one video you posted. I am a recent subscriber and I love watching your videos still because you say a lot of funny things and you're very different (when it comes to body shape and other things) and it makes me feel better about myself. Honestly, a lot of YT gurus are the same old short, almost "perfect" looking girls and with you, you look cute and crazy and fun and I love it. But there are times when even fans have to admit that there are some low points and I think there were a lot of people that pointed out that you made one mistake in your video. Shutting out every single negative thing can benefit you, or it can make you oblivious to things that you can't see yourself. I'm being honest when I say I don't like your video or when I say you should reconsider something because everyone makes mistakes or overlooks something. A lot of people even have to have a second impression before realizing they like something. I just wanted to say that if majority of people say something on your video, then there's a chance they're not all haters but they actually disliked what you did. It doesn't hurt to take some criticism and honestly if you can't tell the honest critics from the dumb haters, then you shouldn't be in this industry at all. Hope you feel better and I hope the actual haters crawl back in their hole.

  31. Don't let the haters (aka confused admirers) get to you. Keep doing what you do! i love your videos and support you on YouTube no matter what. Go Sonia!

  32. such a cute mum.. please can you guys checkout my blog just started and feeling a bit sad coz theres no live there. :) thank youuu! <3

  33. LOOOOOOVE your outfit. You're so beautiful

  34. those appetizers look delicious! Looks like you had a fun time!

  35. I don't understand what people get from going on the internet and patronizing others behind their screens. I received a slew of my first anon "hater" comments as well and truth be told it actually hurt me! Keep doing what you are doing lady =)

    1. girl you get your camera and keep those outfitsss of the day cominng ! love your outfitss ! & ahhh D; idk what to wear to the fair im going with my bf help me pleaseeee ! <3 and the fair is tomorrow and i have no clue what to wear /;<
      love yahhh sonia , by the way your beautiful dont listen to thosee perrass !

  36. Cool love the recognition for our successful latinas!!..remember who your doing your videos for the fans who love you and your videos not the fans who are looking to break you and are jealous of you!!

  37. hey sonia! I've been an avid watcher of your channel and blog reader and just wanted to say that I absolutely adore you! Don't let the haters get you down, people will say anything hidden behind a computer screen :) you're awesome and beautiful, anything anyone says otherwise and absolute bologna.

    kindest regards, leslie

  38. Hey Sonia...

    you look amazing... i follow your beautylish page... just saw your blog and the youtube channel... i always used to see your vidoes and run off to college... you looking a great work... so explanatory and so legible work. keep posting more and mor...

    love from India.
