I got a message from a subscriber of mine named
Mayra (
http://www.youtube.com/lindoculiacan) asking if I received the package she sent me. I usually only check my PO BOX when I am expecting something and when some tells me they sent me something :)
I jumped in my car and rushed over to the post office as though I had a pot of gold waiting for me. To my surprise, I got just that. To me, religious items of the Catholic Church are not only spiritual...they are a piece of my heritage. I am proud to be Latina, Mexican American, despite the random post out there in hater nation. As a child I wasn't able to speak Spanish because my father did not understand it and he thought we might be talking badly of him. He left when I was 3 years old so that was for nothing. So I lost my accent and sound like a 'gringo' now. I shy away from speaking my native tongue because I do not want anyone to be offended and think I am disrespecting my culture, my people. I need to get that silliness out of my head and handle it! When I was in High School I wanted to represent Mexicanos by becoming a Mexican American Activist. I'm sadden by my obvious turn of events and was unsuccessful. Needless to say I am a proud Mexican and I am not afraid to show it!
Okay, okay...back to the topic at hand. This is what came in the package: bracelet, necklace and charm. Also a letter but I felt that was more personal and only for my brown eyes to see.

I'm sure you have all seen these busted bracelets on my wrists in a lot of my videos. I never take them off. I wish I took value to pieces that go with a lot more outfits but I still love these all the same. Starting from the top, I made that one (was purple and pink) when I was in Virginia alone for a month while Kris was deployed. I made him one too and we both wore them always. The second one was made at a
swapmeet for $3 and Kris had one already so I wanted one too! The third is the new one, and the last is suppose to look like the one above it. It looks so nasty now. It was nice when I first got it. I was wearing it when I gave birth to Jude and it was blessed by a priest. I must have cleaned like Cinderella these past couple of years because all of the saints fell off and my skin is as dry as an alligator's

This next item is a
girly spin on religious patches that hang on small pieces of
thread. This one reads
"Virgencita x fis protejeme" translates to
"Virgin (Virgin Mary) protect me"
"Virgencita x fis que no mo odien x ser bonita" translates to
"...don't let them hate me because I'm pretty" hehe. I am wearing this necklace as I type. I thought it was cute.

I need to get a thin chain so I can wear this one also.
"Angelito no me desampares aunque llegue trade a mi casa" translates
" Angel don't forsake me even when I am late coming home" this is super sweet for a young girl to wear. I love the messages.

I am very blessed to have each and one of my subscribers and am totally
grateful for everything that has come to my life because of you all!
Gracias por amarme gorda o flaca.
Gracias con todo mi corazon!