Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Outfit of the Day - Late Posting
There are tons of colorful roses in this arrangement.

Mothers Day Contest!! - Sigma Makeup Brushes
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Calling all Moms!
Okay, I know what some of you are saying to yourself: What the heck! I don't have a kid! Well you didn't get here without one, or maybe you were raised by someone who wasn't your mom...so improvise accordingly chicas. Of course by now, we all know that my favorite kinds of brushes have to be by Sigma. Sigma has always been good to me and were happy to sponsor a contest I wanted to hold for Mothers Day.
Since you are here on my Blog, you get a head start! Thats one of the beneifts of subscribing/following my blog...you hear it first. The prizes are :
Make me Up Brush Set (Top two videos)

Banner(s) Contest *OPEN*
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
So its that time again, CONTEST TIME!!! I know that its been a while and I couldn't wait to tell you all about it, the prize is this awesome watch by Phosphor .
............................................................Driven by Micro-Magnetic Mechanical Digital (M3D) technology, the Phosphor Appear watch utilizes miniature-sized rotors adorned with Swarovski™ crystals that revolve to reveal numerical or chronological information. With each minute, an electrical pulse generates an electromagnetic field that changes the position of the crystals on the face of the watch, to elegantly display the passing time, while producing a distinctive sound unique to the Phosphor Appear digital watch line.
The basic "time" mode features a 12-hour display, with the hours positioned above the minutes on the face. The watch face also offers a "seconds" mode and "off" mode, showing an entire face of crystals with no time display.
This is what the watch looks like without the studio effects. Its also go a plastic film that is protecting the face of the clock from getting scratched. Ill leave it on there, and the winner can remove it.
I need a new banner! There are going to be two winners, so I need two banners, one for my blog and the other for my youtube channel .
Things to consider when making my banners: I love Pink, Glitter, Cupcakes, Vintage prints, Candy, Makeup, Animal Prints, and of course you horse...my son Jude.
For my Channel I would love for it to have a few buttons: My blog http://www.sccastaneda.com/ My twitter: http://www.twitter.com/soniaccastaneda My breastfeeding group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/breastfeedingbeauty/ and My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sccastaneda
For my Blog I would love for it to have 2 buttons: My YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/sccastaneda and Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/soniaccastaneda
Now you can enter for the blog or for the youtube channel or both.
Please send me your entry to sccastaneda@gmail.com
Good Luck!
*Latina Kisses*
Ps: For those of you who are not computer savy, I am not obviously, keep in touch because I have another video contest coming soon!!
I whip my hair back and forth

I have had my tracks sewn in before but it was so hard to keep up. Washing my hair was literally a pain in the neck. Also when removing them resulted in hair loss in the area the tacks were in.

Problema: My hair was too dark!
Solution: Dye it the same flippin color, same brand, box, everything!